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DVD Movies and Audiobooks

We offer a wide selection of DVDs and audiobooks.

Interlibrary Loans

The library participates in an interlibrary loan service in order to obtain materials not available in our collection.  For security reasons interlibrary loan materials must be signed out from the front desk.  In order to receive this privilege the borrower agrees to accept responsibility for materials between signed out and signed in.  This includes cost of damage to or loss of borrowed items.  The patron must return the book by the date due marked on the interlibrary loan slip.



We charge 25 cents per photocopy and 10 cents for copies made from the public computers.


For sending and receiving faxes we charge $1.00 per page.

Computer Access

The Rupert Public Library offers six computers for public use, including internet access.  We have a 45 minute time limit for computer usage. We offer free wireless internet access.



Book Discussion Group

We offer a book discussion group for adults.  It meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 12 noon.  We typically read and discuss books recommended by the WV Library Commission.



Featured Local Events

We feature local events taking place during the week.

Tax Forms

We offer State & Federal tax forms on-site during tax season.  If there you need forms that we do not have on hand, we are able to print them from the IRS website.

Ongoing Used Book Sale

We have an ongoing book sale in our library, offering paperback and hardcover books 4 for $1.00.

The Library also Offers

  • Free weekly West Virginian newspapers.

  • Local and state tourism information.   

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